We’ve all heard that “green tea is good for you” but how many of us actually know why? Despite the fact that green tea remains one of the most popular beverages around the world, its health benefits
Though WebMD reports more than a decade’s worth of research about green tea’s health benefits, some of those studies question green tea’s role in burning fat, lowering cholesterol and fighting some diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
So, what do we know about green tea?
Green tea has antioxidants: Also called catechins, the antioxidants in green tea help fight the cells that can damage DNA and cause cancer and certain types of heart disease. These same properties are found in grapes, berries, red wine and dark chocolate, however green tea’s minimal processing makes it a good bet. Even though we still condone eating tons of fresh fruit and vegetables, one recent estimate said green tea has 10 times the amount of antioxidants found in fruits and veggies.
Green tea has properties that might help fight cancer: As vague as that may be, scientists and researchers have identified a compound in green tea that can prevent and slow cancer growth in laboratory testing, however we don’t know how much green tea a person would need to consume in order to reap those benefits. Marji McCullough, ScD, RD, the American Cancer Society’s strategic director of nutritional epidemiology, told WebMD that one of the biggest challenges to such research is finding populations that drink enough green tea and have for a long time. “With cancer, it’s always difficult to find the exposure time or the point at which the cancer cells begin to develop,” she said.
Green tea can help with weight control. Some nutrition professionals argue that green tea can aid in weight loss. If you’re drinking green tea while you’re eating pizza and cake, you won’t lose weight. However, green tea is thermogenic, so it can raise your core body temperature and help you burn more calories. So, if you’re already exercising and eating well green tea can help you meet your goals.
The quality of the tea you buy is important. While you might still get some of the nutritional and antioxidant benefit from drinking a beverage brewed with store-bought green tea bags, a higher quality green tea is called Matcha tea. Matcha is covered before it’s picked to emphasize the flavor and color and is stone-ground before being packaged into small-batch tins. In the Japanese culture, drinking Matcha tea is an important ritual, however in Western cultures, many people drink it solely for the taste and health
Have you been wondering “what’s all the fuss about green tea?” Now you can stop wondering and start drinking…green tea, that is. This flavorful beverage offers many health benefits to anyone who drinks it regularly. Green tea contains a potent plant nutrient known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, for short. But don’t fret, you don’t have to keep track of its chemical name to reap the health benefits. Here are 9 reasons to start drinking green tea or continue drinking it if you’re already hooked.
1. Green tea is a superb fat fighter. Its active ingredient, EGCG, increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body.
2. It targets belly fat. Research at Tufts University indicates that EGCG in green tea, like other catechins, activate fat-burning genes in the abdomen to speed weight loss by 77 percent.
3. It keeps energy stable by balancing blood sugar levels. EGCG improves insulin use in the body to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can result in fatigue, irritability, and cravings for unhealthy foods.
4. Research shows it may be helpful against lung cancer. In an April 2010 study published in Cancer Prevention Research, EGCG was found to suppress lung cancer cell growth.
5. It may halt colorectal cancer. In numerous other studies, EGCG appears to inhibit colorectal cancers.
6. In research it appears to cause prostate cancer cells to commit suicide. A March 2010 study in Cancer Science indicated that EGCG aids the body by causing prostate cancer cells to commit suicide.
7. It may prevent skin damage and wrinkling. EGCG appears to be 200 times more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. Free radicals react with healthy cells in the body, causing damage so lessening their numbers may help reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging.
8. It contains a potent antioxidant that kills free radicals. Because it is a potent antioxidant it can positively impact a lot more than skin cells. Free radicals are increasingly linked to many serious chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
9. It tastes good. If you’re not wild about the flavor, try a few different kinds. Try it iced or hot. Add some of the natural herb stevia to sweeten it if you want a sweeter drink. I wasn’t crazy about green tea the first few times I tried it, but now I love it with a fresh squeeze of lemon and a few drops of stevia over ice–et voila! Green tea lemonade. Mmmmm.
Reap the Rewards
Add one or two teaspoons of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water, preferably in a tea strainer. Let steep for five minutes. Pour over ice if you prefer a cold beverage. Most experts recommend three cups daily. And, don’t worry it contains a lot less caffeine than coffee or black tea.